New Crypto Tax Reporting Rules Are Coming Soon

New Crypto Tax Reporting Rules Are Coming Soon
The IRS released over 280 pages of proposed regulations intended to implement the congressional mandate that the broker reporting rules apply to those who facilitate the transfer of digital assets such as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. When these rules take effect, they impose substantial new tax reporting obligations on...

The IRS Dirty Dozen List: More Than Just A Gimmick

The IRS Dirty Dozen List
For over 20 years, the IRS has released a series of notices identifying tax scams and avoidance schemes, which the agency calls the “Dirty Dozen” (an apparent reference to the classic 1967 World War II movie starring Lee Marvin and Jim Brown). Is the IRS Dirty Dozen just an...

How Long Does the IRS Have to Audit Your Returns?

How Long Does the IRS Have to Audit Your Returns?
Understanding Statute of Limitations on Tax Audits Nobody wants to spend their whole life looking over their shoulder, wondering if the IRS is going to audit them. Luckily, there is a statute of limitations on IRS audits and tax assessments. This time period is called the...

Deducting Start-Up Expenses for a Rental Property

Deducting Start-Up Expenses for a Rental Property
Unlock Start-Up Expense Savings Interested in becoming a commercial or residential landlord? You’ll likely have to shell out plenty of money before you ever collect a dime in rent. But the good news is that some expenses that you would otherwise think of...

Top 5 Most Common IRS Tax Issues and How to Resolve Them

Top 5 Most Common IRS Tax Issues and How to Resolve Them
Introduction Taxation is an integral part of any functioning society, and in the United States, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is responsible for managing and enforcing tax laws. Understanding common tax issues and their resolution is crucial for every taxpayer to successfully navigate the complex world of taxes. This...