Wealth building
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Many people think that being wealthy is a matter of luck, or that unless you work really hard, it is pretty much impossible to attain. They see money as something hard to get and even harder to hold onto. How many people do you know who grouse about their jobs, or their bills, or that they never seem to get ahead? 

Feeling bad about money sets up a negative spiral, and eventually, you have a scarcity mindset. And if you’re talking about wealth, you have become your own worst enemy. If you really want abundance in your life, you need to flip that switch and think big, think rich. Here are four ways you can get the Law of Attraction to start working in your favor. 

1. Change your Perspective

The first thing to do is to switch up your perspective on wealth. Look around and see where your life is already abundant. Stop looking at what you don’t have (yet!) and be grateful for the good things in your life. By acknowledging where you are currently wealthy, you can change your expectations and look forward to future wealth. 

2. Check Your Assumptions

Look at your money self-talk.  Does thinking about money make you feel anxious, do you talk about just getting by or living from one paycheck to the next? Maybe you think money is indeed the root of all evil, and that somehow being wealthy is wrong or unfair. 

Reset your money beliefs by thinking positively about money. How can having more money improve your life? Will it mean you can travel more, or pursue your creative goals? If you think of money as freedom or a way you can build a better life for yourself and your family, you can start to think like a rich person. 

3. Use Technology to Reprogram Your Mindset

There are lots of apps for your computer or smartphone to help you break down those old negative money beliefs. 

You might find podcasts helpful or meditations. Some apps use neurolinguistic programming techniques to rewrite your brain’s wealth script literally. 

4. Be Generous

One of the most prevalent negative beliefs about money is that rich people are mean. But a sure way to get money flowing into your life is to be generous. 

You can really fire up a positive money mindset by sharing what you have in the expectation that more is coming. Reject scarcity and embrace money positivity by donating money to a good cause or buying little treats or gifts for your loved ones and yourself. Make it clear to the Universe that you are ready to receive abundance and to share it. 

4 Ways to Attract Wealth into Your Life


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