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Sometimes it can feel as if life is just beating you up and spitting you out. It can feel like you’ll never reach your goals or experience the success you so desire, no matter what you do. It can make your dreams feel like just that, dreams. If you are experiencing that right now, realize that most people do until they realize how much power they really do have over each day that they’re living. 

Here are the questions that you need to ask and answer: 

Have you developed your long-term vision for every aspect of your life and business? 

Once you have planned your long-term vision for your life, break that down to smaller goals that get you closer to your vision. For example, if your vision includes earning six figures from your work at home business, what will it take for that to happen? Figure it out, write it out, and then map it out in concrete terms. 

Have you translated your vision into a series of short-term goals?

Once you have a vision, you should chunk that down into smaller goals that are doable within a year or less. In fact, if you have a one-year goal, break that down to monthly and even daily goals that lead to success for the longer-term goal. For example, if you want to be 50 pounds less in one year, break that down into what you need to eat and do daily to make that a reality. 

Do you have action steps in your daily schedule that brings you closer to your goals?

Every goal you have needs to be boiled down to action steps that you take each day to reach the goal. For example, if you want to make a blanket for your bed by Christmas, and you only have 30 minutes three times a week to do it, when will you do it? Put it in the schedule so that it gets done. 

Are you doing massive action and implementing your plans?

No goal or vision will be realized, and certainly not be duplicable, if you don’t take massive action. You won’t get abs without working out, you won’t lose weight without eating fewer calories, you won’t start a six-figure business without doing the business things you need to do each day that bring you closer to that goal. 

All this means is that you need to plan your actions to coincide with the vision you’ve created for yourself. If you don’t take steps and implement action, you may end up at your goal by accident, but it’s not likely. If you really want to achieve something, anything, you can do it if you craft a plan that helps you reach the goal in a timely manner. It’s just like planning a road trip. You may get to your destination just guessing as you go, but you’ll be much more likely to get there healthy, happy, and in a timely way if you have a plan. 

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Aligning Your Short-Term Goals with Your Long-Term Vision


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