8 Habits Only Wealthy People Have

wealth habits
Living paycheck to paycheck is exhausting. The money never seems to be there, or if it is, it’s never quite enough. You know there has to be a better way because you can see it. Around you are people, who seem to be doing just fine. What is it they have that...

4 Ways to Attract Wealth into Your Life

Wealth building
Many people think that being wealthy is a matter of luck, or that unless you work really hard, it is pretty much impossible to attain. They see money as something hard to get and even harder to hold onto. How many people do you know who grouse about their jobs, or their...

Top 10 Things You Need in Order to be Successful

Do you have what it takes to be successful? You don’t need the right family, an inheritance, supportive parents, good looks, or anything else that’s beyond your control. Those things can certainly make the road smoother, but they’re not imperative. You can create everything you need to be...

How to Deduct 100 Percent of Your Business Meals Under New Rules

business deductions
Since 1986, lawmakers have limited business meal deductions: first to 80 percent, and then to 50 percent (unless an exception applies). But on December 27, 2020, in an effort to help the restaurant industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic, lawmakers enacted a new, temporary 100 percent business meal deduction...

Finding Ways to Eliminate Expenses Now

Eliminate Expenses
When people are told that they need to eliminate expenses, it can cause a lot of stress. It's hard to give up things, especially if you're used to it, and it feels like a need. We can try to convince ourselves that covering our roots with a 200-dollar hairdresser is essential, but...