Tracking What’s Working and Making Money

making money
The easiest way to make your business more profitable is to track what's working. What parts of your business, what projects, and what products are making you money? Which ones don't? What type of customer is most profitable for you? Where is your most profitable traffic coming from? Taking...

Why You Need To Pay Yourself First If You Want To Have Money Left To Save

pay yourself
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Pay yourself first,” when it comes to finances. However, you may not be exactly sure what that means or how it can benefit you. The concept behind this advice is simply that it’s important to set money aside for yourself either through savings or investing before you...

Reimagine Your Budget: Reorganize, Reduce, and Eliminate

reimagine your budget
Now that you’ve gone through all your income and expenses, you have a much clearer idea of where you stand. Now you can work to reorganize, reduce, and even eliminate things from your budget for survival during your financial crunch. As you go through this process, you’re going to be creating cash...

Set Up Your Spending Plan or Create a Budget

The first thing you need to do before you create a spending plan or budget is to know where you stand right now. In the last post, we discussed getting everything together so that you know where you stand. Now we’re going to talk about setting up a spending plan or creating...

Let’s Get Your Finances Organized

The only way to improve your finances, or really anything in life, is to know where you stand now. Finding out how much you owe, what’s coming in, and examining your current situation is the best way to deal with financial crunches. Even if you are already in the crunch, you still...