Home Based business
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I know this may sound crazy, but the first step I have learned in my 22 years as a CPA, is that if someone REALLY wants to build wealth and save taxes, they need to start a home-based business.  The SOLUTION to create more income and more net worth, and SAVE on taxes – the number one COST in our lives.  START A BUSINESS – even on the side.

Now for those of you that work for someone else and don’t want to start a business, please hear me out!  It doesn’t have to mean a complete change in your career or turn your life upside down.  It can be as simple as owning a rental property, selling something on eBay or Amazon, or doing some consulting.  I’m not asking you to quit your day job, I’m just asking you to at least have a small business on the side. 

There are so many good reasons to have a home based business, and very few reasons not to.  Let me give you some ideas of why you would want to start a home based business:

  • creates another source of income to rely on
  • turn your hobby into a business that makes you money
  • embark on a project you love
  • the ability to hire your family members
  • a way to build more WEALTH

CAUTION!!!  Please know there are obvious risks and a lot to learn about the proper way to start and operate a small business.  Here are a few important steps:

  • create a business plan
  • learn all you can about your business idea
  • start small and don’t quit your day job or put your life savings into the business
  • test your idea and/or product
  • don’t give up!

Remember, it takes time to build a business.  Start something now!  Choose to create a business doing something you love and know.  Work on a business plan, a strategic plan and a marketing plan.  Have some fun with it.  Most importantly, don’t give up!  This isn’t a get rich quick scheme.  It’s a build long term wealth scheme!!

The Best Way to Build Wealth and Save Taxes


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