Time Blocking vs Time Boxing, Other Techniques, and How It All Fits Together

In a world with endless distractions, it’s no wonder that we find it difficult to complete tasks. Focus is hard to come by these days. This is especially true when you’re working from home. Household tasks that would otherwise be out of sight and out of mind are suddenly...

5 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself to Clarify Your Strategic Thinking

setting goals
Are you feeling a bit confused by strategic thinking? You know it’s essential for your career and your business, but how do you actually do it? Here are five questions to should ask yourself to really sharpen your strategic thinking.  1.What do you want?

How to Manage Your Small Business Finances

How to Manage Your Small Business Finances
Introduction to Small Business Finances Importance of Managing Finances Effectively Managing finances effectively is crucial for the success and survival of any small business. Proper financial management clearly understands the company's financial health and enables informed decision-making.  Maintaining a strong grasp of...

Top 3 reasons start-ups fail and how to avoid them

Business start up
The start of a business is an exciting time. You’ve got a great idea for a business and are enthusiastic to get started.  It’s important to plan ahead to give your business the best chances for success. Planning ahead means anticipating challenges and developing ways to successfully address them,...

The Common Time Waster That Stops Your Business From Growing

Being a small business owner can be fantastic. You get to be involved in every aspect of your business, from marketing to event planning, from sales to employee development. Being involved in so many areas of your business saves you from boredom and allows you to use skills you might not have...

Do You Have a Lid on Your Money-Making Capabilities?

make money
Have you heard the story about the fleas in a jar? A flea has the capacity to jump very high and very far. Left to its own devices, a flea has an unimaginable ability to jump considering its size. A little flea with no limits has all the choices in the world...

Let’s Recap 30 Days of Building a Business That Serves You and Your Lifestyle

Let’s take a quick walk down memory lane and browse through all the different topics we covered over the past 29 days.  In the last month, you’ve learned about building a business that practically runs itself. You’ve learned about various technology that can help you build this type of...

5 Ways to Be More Innovative in Your Business 

Small business owners move through each day with a long to-do list. One such item is to be continually innovative. They understand that if they stop creating, tweaking, and producing, their business is in jeopardy. If you are a business owner, you know this. Yet, how can you be more innovative with...

What You Need to Know About Time and How Work Will Fill the Amount of Time You Give It

Did you know that smart people have studied the idea of time and work to come up with a law that you should know about? It’s called Parkinson’s Law and essentially states: “…Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.” Now, sure, some things do take a specific amount of...

Finding Ways to Eliminate Expenses Now

Eliminate Expenses
When people are told that they need to eliminate expenses, it can cause a lot of stress. It's hard to give up things, especially if you're used to it, and it feels like a need. We can try to convince ourselves that covering our roots with a 200-dollar hairdresser is essential, but...