The 7 Areas Of Life To Focus On For Fantastic Growth
Many of us set goals and often we focus on those goals to the point where we neglect other areas of life. On the other hand we may not realize that setting a goal and achieving that goal can have a positive impact on areas of our life.
Consider Freelance Service Work for Short-Term Incom
One way to generate money while you’re building a business that will work around your life is to start with a service-based business. Freelance service-based work is the fastest way to generate an income online or offline. In fact, if your main goal right now is to quit the JOB and come...
Why You Need a Budget
You know the drill, your paycheck comes in and you think maybe you can finally make some progress toward the ever-growing sea of bills you’ve been drowning in. But month after month, you see your money run out before the month does.
You know the way you’ve been managing your money just isn’t working. You...
Time Blocking vs Time Boxing, Other Techniques, and How It All Fits Together
In a world with endless distractions, it’s no wonder that we find it difficult to complete tasks. Focus is hard to come by these days.
This is especially true when you’re working from home. Household tasks that would otherwise be out of sight and out of mind are suddenly...
5 Personal Finance Hacks to Start Now
Having total control over your finances can give you an amazing sense of freedom.
However, it takes a lot of discipline and hard work for you to be able to achieve this. In this article, we will share some of the most useful tips that you can start now...
6 Ways to Improve Productivity by Gaining Momentum
How do you get things done? Simple…ask someone who’s already busy.
It’s an old joke, but perhaps holding more truth than you realize. Busy people really do seem to accomplish more than everyone else…and it’s not just because they’re busy. They simply have something the rest of the world...
4 Secrets Everyone Needs to Know to Gain Financial Freedom
It’s a no-brainer. Everyone wants to be rich, right? Or at least financially independent, not to have to worry about bills or to have to scrimp and save to get by. But if you’re like most people, all those good intentions come up against the sharp, cold reality of paying the mortgage...
How To Build A Foundation For Lasting Financial Success
The term financial literacy is not new, but it’s being discussed more and more frequently these days, especially since the worldwide financial crisis of 2008, which continues to this day.
Today’s unsettled economy has been described by the Wall Street Journal and other sources as “the New Norm.” Experts believe that the recent recession...
5 Mistakes Business Owners Make When Setting Goals
Do you have your goals set for this New Year? Business goals help you gauge your success and help you stay motivated to reach those goals. Some people think the planning stage is drudgery but even those entrepreneurs who prefer the “fly by the seat of your pants” approach to running their...
The Best Way to Build Wealth and Save Taxes
I know this may sound crazy, but the first step I have learned in my 22 years as a CPA, is that if someone REALLY wants to build wealth and save taxes, they need to start a home-based business. The SOLUTION to create more income and more net worth, and SAVE on taxes -...